Collection: Clipart

Welcome to Diesel Designs! We're thrilled to have you utilize our clipart for your creative endeavors. Before you dive into your projects, please take a moment to review our terms of use:

  • Limitations on Selling Digital Files:
    • If you plan to sell digital files containing clipart from our site, ensure that your design incorporates at least two additional elements beyond the clipart.
    • The clipart must constitute less than 50% of the entire design.
    • Designs consisting solely of clipart and words are not permissible.
  • Prevention of Tracing:
    • To deter tracing, include an element that covers part of the clipart, ensuring that direct copying is hindered.
  • File Format Requirement:
    • Only flattened files containing our clipart may be sold. This ensures the integrity of the design and prevents unauthorized alterations.
  • Prohibition on Unaltered Distribution:
    • Selling, giving away, or transferring our clipart in its original form (unaltered) to individuals who did not directly purchase it from us is strictly prohibited.
  • Exclusivity of Clipart Designs/Non-Compete:
    • Designs created by you using Diesel Designs clipart must not be similar to any Diesel Designs completed design available.

Any violation of these terms may result in the termination of your access to our clipart and legal action. We're committed to fostering a fair and respectful environment for all users. Thank you for adhering to these terms and for choosing Diesel Designs for your creative needs. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to us. Happy creating!

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